Namadexer (deprecated)

Namadexer (deprecated)

Namadexer has been deprecated and is not compatible with Namada versions later than v0.31.4. Please refer to the section Using the Indexer instead for up-to-date instructions on configuring and using one of the currently maintained Namada indexing options.

The original documentation for Namadexer follows below for reference purposes only.

In collaboration with Zondax (opens in a new tab), an indexer for the Namada blockchain has been born.

The Namada indexer (a.k.a namadexer) constantly queries the Namada blockchain, and together with the SDK, is able to map blocks, transactions, along with other valuable information into a relational database (postgres).

This is especially useful for performing analytics over the blockchain, including storing historical data in a way that could be easily queried.

Setting up

The namada indexer's source code can be found here (opens in a new tab) and is simple to set up.

The namadexer works best together with Docker (opens in a new tab)

git clone
cd namadexer
make compose

Running the server and db

Once the DockerFile has run, it is straightforward to both set up the postgres database as well as the server that will query the database.

Make sure that postgres is installed (opens in a new tab) on the local machine.

Run postgres in docker

make postgres 
# or run (and change arguments, e.g port):
# docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=wow -e POSTGRES_DB=blockchain -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

Once the postgres server is up and running, it is time to set up the server that will query the postgres db.

Execute the following command in order to set up the server

make run_server

If successful, the server should be running as a daemon on the localhost at port 30303.

Run the indexer

First, ensure that the Settings.toml within config/Settings.toml is configured correctly.

log_level = "info"
network = "public-testnet-14"
host = ""
user = "postgres"
password = "wow"
dbname = "blockchain"
# Optional field to configure a timeout if database connection 
# fails.
connection_timeout = 20
serve_at = ""
port = 30303
tendermint_addr = ""
port = 26657
enable = false
host = "localhost"
port = 6831
host = ""
port = 9000

Interpreting the toml

It is important to change the following parameters:

  1. indexer.tendermint_addr - This should be the address and corresponding port of a synced Namada full node

  2. - This should be the tcp address (with port) where the postgres database is running.

Once the setup is complete, it is possible to start the indexer

make run_indexer

Querying the database

The pre-defined endpoints to query the database are described in the documentation here (opens in a new tab).