Keychain (browser extension)

Namada Keychain (browser extension)

You can use the Namada Keychain (opens in a new tab) browser extension to manage your keys within your browser. By connecting Namada Keychain with web apps built for Namada, you can send or recieve tokens, make IBC transfers, or perform other actions such as voting on governance proposals.


The Namada Keychain extension is currently available on the Chrome web store (opens in a new tab), with Firefox support coming soon.


After adding Namada Keychain to your browser, follow these steps to create a new wallet:

Click 'Launch Initial Set-up'

Add or create keys

You can choose 'Import existing keys' to import an existing wallet from your 12 or 24 word mnemonic, or raw private key. You can also use a Ledger hardware wallet; see here for further instructions.

Click 'Create new keys' and verify that you have read and understood the message to proceed.

Safely store your mnemonic

You will be shown your recovery mnemonic and asked to confirm that you have written it down. You can choose between a 12 or 24 word mnemonic using the toggle at the top.

Write your mnemonic down and store it safely offline.

It will allow you to recover your account. Without it, you risk losing access to your funds forever.

Create and safely store your password

You will also be asked to create a password for your Namada Keychain. Write down this password; you will need to enter it regularly when using Namada Keychain.

If you lose your password, you will lose access to your keys stored in Namada Keychain.

Remember: there's no 'recover password with email' option!


Your wallet is ready to use.

Using Namada Keychain

The Namada Keychain extension itself only provides key management functionality. To send or receive tokens, you will need to navigate to a compatible web app (such as Namadillo (opens in a new tab)) and approve a connection to Namada Keychain from the site.

Here's how to use Namada Keychain with Namadillo:

Set the network in Namada Keychain

Open Namada Keychain and click the 'gear' icon in the top right, then select 'Network'.

Enter a valid chain-id and rpc url for the chain you wish to transact on, and click 'Submit'.

Navigate to a hosted instance of Namadillo

The Namadillo instance for the Campfire testnet is hosted at (opens in a new tab). After mainnet has launched, a list of hosted Namadillo instances will be found here.

Connect Namada Keychain

Click the 'Connect Extension' button and approve when prompted. If everything is configured correctly, you should now see your wallet balance displayed on the page.


Once connected, you can use Namadillo to make transfers or stake with a validator (Note: some functionality may be missing on testnet). Whenever you submit a transaction to the chain, you will be prompted to enter your password to allow Namada Keychain to sign using your private key.


If you wish to disconnect (remove permissions) from a site, you can do so in the Settings menu of Namada Keychain, under 'Connected Sites'.

Using a hardware wallet (Ledger)

See the hardware wallet page for instructions on installing the Namada Ledger app and using it with Namada Keychain.