Structure of a proposal

Creating a proposal

To create a governance proposal, a user must have an address on-chain, a balance of more than min_proposal_fund NAM tokens, and a json file containing the proposal details and data.

To get your address that you will need to use, you can look in the wallet using your account alias (my-new-acc in this example):

namada wallet find --alias `my-new-acc`

Now, we need to create a json file proposal.json holding the content of our proposal. Copy the below text into a json file.

    "proposal": {
        "content": {
            "title": "Text",
            "authors": "Text",
            "discussions-to": "URL",
            "created": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ",
            "license": "<insert-license>",
            "abstract": "Text",
            "motivation": "Text",
            "details": "Text",
            "requires": "Number"
        "author": "tnam-author-address",
        "voting_start_epoch": <Number>,
        "voting_end_epoch": <Number>,
        "activation_epoch": <Number>
    "data": "TODO-ADD-DATA-IF-NEEDED" // optional field to contain serialized wasm code

Most of the fields within "content" are self-explanatory. The requires field references an id in quotations of another proposal that must be passed before this proposal can be executed (i.e. requires: "2" mandates that proposal 2 must pass for this proposal to pass). The created field must contain the creation time in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.

A proposal author should manually set the following fields in the proposal.json:

  • author: the tnam address of my-new-acc;
  • voting_start_epoch: a future epoch in which you want the voting to begin.
  • voting_end_epoch: an epoch that is at least min_proposal_voting_period epochs further into the future than voting_start_epoch, at which point no more votes are accepted.
  • activation_epoch: an epoch that is at least min_proposal_grace_epochs epochs further into the future than voting_end_epoch, at which any associated WASM code will be executed.

The data field and its contents are dependent on the type of proposal being submitted. In a default proposal, data is optional, but if included then it is a vector of bytes corresponding to WASM code. In a PGF-related proposal, the data contents take another form.