Constructing transfers
The SDK provides methods for constructing, signing, and submitting transactions to the chain. These are accessed through the Chain Context object.
Let's assume we have two accounts—Alice and Bob—added to the wallet as in the previous section and that Alice's account already contains sufficient funds.
Transparent Transfers
The following code will build a transparent-transfer
tx that sends 1 NAM from Alice to Bob, then sign it and submit
it to the chain.
use namada_sdk::args::TxTransparentTransferData;
use namada_sdk::args::InputAmount;
use namada_sdk::signing::default_sign;
// Prepare the tx arguments
let data = TxTransparentTransferData {
source: sdk.wallet().await.find_address("alice".to_string()).expect("Invalid alias").into_owned(),
target: sdk.wallet().await.find_address("bob".to_string()).expect("Invalid alias").into_owned(),
token: sdk.native_token(),
amount: InputAmount::from_str("1").expect("Invalid amount"),
// Build the tx
let mut transfer_tx_builder = sdk
let (mut transfer_tx, signing_data) = transfer_tx_builder
.expect("unable to build transfer");
// Sign the tx
sdk.sign(&mut transfer_tx, &transfer_tx_builder.tx, signing_data, default_sign, ())
.expect("unable to sign transparent-transfer tx");
// Submit the signed tx to the ledger for execution
match sdk.submit(transfer_tx, &transfer_tx_builder.tx).await {
Ok(res) => println!("Tx result: {:?}", res),
Err(e) => println!("Tx error: {:?}", e)