A public goods steward can consist of an arbitrary number of people or can be a single person. The only requirement is that the steward's multisignature account is elected by the community through a governance proposal.
For this reason, the first step to becoming a steward is to create a multisignature account. This can be done using the commands found in the multisignature documentation.
No more than maximum_number_of_stewards
are allowed to exist at any given time; this parameter that controls the upper bound on stewards can be changed via governance.
Becoming a steward
Once the multisig account is created, the steward can submit a governance proposal to nominate themselves for election as a steward. A steward proposal to elect a multisig account may only be submitted by that same account.
Submitting a steward governance proposal
A special governance proposal must be submitted in order to elect a steward. This is done with the following command:
namadac init-proposal \
--pgf-stewards \
--data-path $PATH_TO/steward_proposal.json
where $PATH_TO/steward_proposal.json
is the path to the steward_proposal.json
The structure of the proposal steward_proposal.json
looks like a default proposal but with an altered "data"
"proposal" :{
"content": {
"title": "Stewie for Steward",
"authors": "[email protected]",
"discussions-to": "",
"created": "2024-01-01T00:00:01Z",
"license": "MIT",
"abstract": "Stewie is an expert in zero-knowledge cryptography that would like to identify influential cryptographers to receive funding to continue their work.",
"motivation": "Funding cryptography research will help Namada and other blockchain projects innovate and flourish.",
"details": "We will describe here certain areas of ZK research that should receive funding."
"author": "tnam1qp326qxmkncgwavskar9lfwm68x04vu8sg80crm4",
"voting_start_epoch": 3,
"voting_end_epoch": 6,
"activation_epoch": 12
"data" : {
"add" : "tnam1qp326qxmkncgwavskar9lfwm68x04vu8sg80crm4",
"remove": []
The "data"
field contains the structure that allows either the addition or removal of
a multisignature account from the list of stewards. In this case, the "action"
is "add"
and the "address"
is the address of the multisignature account that will be elected as a steward.
In this case, the proposal does not call to remove any stewards, and so this field is an empty list []
A steward proposal may propose to remove more than one steward at a time.
In the motivation and abstract field, it is important to make clear what type of public goods funding the steward will be focusing on. The areas of public goods funding can be found in the public goods funding specs (opens in a new tab).
Becoming elected
Once the proposal is submitted, it will be voted on by the community like any other governance proposal (see here).
Once a multisignature account is elected (which occurs at the beginning of the activation_epoch
), it will be able to submit proposals to the public goods funding pool (see submitting proposals).
Removing stewards
There are three ways that a steward can lose their stewardship:
1. Resign as a steward
A steward account may resign their position at any point. Through the CLI it can be done with the command:
namadac resign-steward --steward $STEWARD_ADDRESS
2. Funding proposal veto with removal
If a steward submits a funding proposal that receives at least as many nay
votes as 2/3
of the total active voting power, then the steward is immediately removed in addition to the veto of the proposal.
3. Removal through a governance proposal
A steward may be removed by a steward governance proposal as described above.
For removal, the "remove"
list within the "data"
field of the json file would contain the relevant steward address.
Steward inflation
A PGF steward also receives inflationary NAM tokens at the beginning of every epoch.
The steward inflation rate is a constant parameter stewards_inflation_rate
that can be changed via governance.
Each PGF steward receives an inflation amount according to stewards_inflation_rate
; this amount is given to each steward and not divided among them.
Steward's reward distribution
A steward may also designate certain portions of its steward inflation to be minted to other addresses. This distribution can be set with the following steward commission CLI command:
namadac update-steward-rewards --steward $STEWARD_ADDRESS --data-path $PATH_TO/steward_rewards.json
The file steward_rewards.json
contains the desired reward distribution with the structure:
"reward_distribution": {
"tnam1qp326qxmkncgwavskar9lfwm68x04vu8sg80crm4": "0.3",
"tnam1qp326qxmkncgwavskar9lfwm68x04vu8sg80aaaa": "0.3",
"tnam1qp326qxmkncgwavskar9lfwm68x04vu8sg80bbbb": "0.4"